Rabu, 12 September 2012

Interesting destination


Payakumbuh is a picturesque village and market place. Fine basketry is available here. It is 35 km from Bukittinggi and a little further up is the most dramatic view on the Harau Valley. Harau canyon, near Payakumbuh is a deep canyon with beautiful waterfall and many butterflies. Near Lake Meninjau, Batang Palapuh a sanctuary, giant rafflesia flowers are sometime found.

Harau Valley

Along the road to Harau Valley is a lovely countryside. Steep granite walls shelter the fertile valley. A waterfall, 150 meters high falls into a basin. The Harau Valley is a nature and wildlife reserve, where tapir, siamangs, boars, wild goats and tigers still roam. The Harau Valley is 15 km from Payakumbuh.

Ngalau Indah Caves

On the road from Bukittinggi to Payakumbuh these caves extend deep into the mountainside. The domains of thousands of bats, which we won't see but only, hear and sense as they fly close over our head. At the main entrance is a stone with an outline of an elephant visible on its face. The coolness and damp air is refreshing after the tropical heat outside. The path through these caves leads out to the top of the mountain from where it is quite panoramic. The drive up to the hillside itself is worth making because of the variety of the exquisite views along way.

Maninjau Lake
A winding road with 44 sharp turns descends to Maninjau Lake, 36 km from Bukittinggi. A crater lake abounds with fish. There are also facilities for swimming and water skying. Matur village, overlooking lakes, arranges dance performances on request. To the west of Bukittinggi, Meninjau Lake is a Crater Lake renowned for its scenery and remote beauty. Visitors can rent canoes and motorboat at the lakeshore. To the east of Padangpanjang, Batusankar we can see the Splendidly restores palace, with its wonderful carved and painted facades. Balimbing village have many traditional Minang houses.

West Sumatra is one of the most beautiful areas of Indonesia. It is mountainous and divided by three valleys. There are lovely lakes and spectacular volcanoes. But Minangkabau land is very special and has the most friendly population group of Indonesia. They love to talk with visitors and will tell us about their unique society. If a visitor tries to understand the culture and Minang traditions he will soon feel himself a member of the clan. He will be invited as a guest to their homes - a unique way to become acquainted with real Indonesian life. Most of our hosts and hostesses are English teachers so language will not be much of a problem. They will show us the community and explain their customs.

The land of the Minangkabau, West Sumatra has a distinct culture, which distinguishes it from the rest of the island. A land of scenic beauty with blue green lakes and mountains, West Sumatra's Centre of culture and tourism is Bukittinggi in the highlands, north of the provincial capital of Padang. Most prominent in the landscape is the horn-shaped roofs of the houses nestled in the coconut groves. The name Minangkabau means triumphant buffalo. It leads a community and family life based on a matrilineal system, which clusters around mosques and the traditional houses. As it is the women who have the properties, the men are known for their wanderlust and entrepreneurship. Traveling is considered a mark of success and therefore many of them are found "merantau" (emigrated) to other parts of the country. This is proof that many Minang or Padang restaurants, serve very spicy food, found in all major towns in the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent in a poetic style of speech and ceremonies. Festivals are colorful occasions.

West Sumatra has a coastline where the capital is situated. The hinterland is a range of high mountains, which dip into picturesque valleys and lakes. Amongst them are the remnants of the old Minangkabau kingdom of Pagaruyung, (the art centers for silver, hand-weaving, embroidery and woodcarving)


Wisata air terjun yang berada di Kenagarian Sarilamak, Jorong Taratak ± 3 km dari Simpang Pasar Sarilamak. Untuk sampai ke lokasi ini, kita harus berjalan kaki sejauh ± 300 meter. Suasana alami dengan hutan konservasi dan berbagai jenis satwa seperti burung dan hewan lainnya juga berbagai aktifitas masyarakat seperti bertani dan beternak ikan(airnya berasal dari sarasah tanggo) berikut hamparan sawah yang menghijau menambah sejuk suasana ditempat ini. Air yang tak pernah kering walaupun dimusim kemarau, meluncur jatuh melalui dinding batu yang berbentuk tanggo (tangga) diselingi suara satwa kecil disekitarnya.

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